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Yazbek Attorneys-at-Law was founded at the end of 2010 by two widely experienced lawyers whose common goal was to offer top-tier legal services in line with their clients’ reality.

The firm has gained substantial prestige over the years thanks to how it dedicates to each case – that ranges from daily and recurrent cases clients may face while doing business to specific and strategic issues.

This name recognition is seen throughout the market in excellent provision of services, high quality staff and close client relationship.

The firm currently has 20 employees and each one of them is fully committed to the same mission Yazbek Attorneys-at-Law has had from the start.

  • Escritório da Yazbek
  • Escritório da Yazbek
  • Escritório da Yazbek
  • Escritório da Yazbek
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Al. Santos, 1.978 | 2º andar | CEP: 01418-200 | São Paulo | SP
Telephone: (11) 3150-4320